5 Super Easy & Effective Exercises To Burn Side fat
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8 super easy Exercises to Burn side fat. The journey towards the beautiful and toned body is long and hard. it takes determination strong willpower and regular work without any excuses. However some areas of your body need a special treating like for example side fats that you just keep doing what you need to, but nothing major is happening.
How can you solve this problem once and for all?
We have found the best exercises that will help you forget about side fat way faster than you would think. Just do this simple lifetime workout with us daily and prepare to be amazed at the result. Here are the 5 Super Easy & Effective Exercises To Burn Side fat & Best 3 Tips To Reduce Side Fat For Good.
Never underestimate the power of a well-done flank. It improves your posture makes you forget about the back pain and overall makes you stronger by working different muscles, Just what you need in a fight with side fat.
Place your forearms on the ground, so that your arms will be parallel to your body and your elbows will be placed right below your shoulders. Keep your back completely straight and hold this position even as simple as that. So is everything clear, don’t forget that if you can either place your palms on the floor or clasp your hands together.
While doing the plank it wouldn’t hurt the effectiveness of an exercise. PlanK is one of those rare exercises they give you amazing results even if you do it one minute a day. It works your biceps as well as neck and shoulder muscles and in the long run, fills up your core strength.
Bicycle crunches
Bicycle crunches are considered to be one of the topmost effective ABS exercises and it’s not only your abs that are working your thighs also have a nice Train. Regular workouts with this kind of crunches included leave you with no side fat.
Start with laying on the ground and placing your hands behind your head. Then raise your legs, and start to touch your right elbow to your left knee, while keeping your right leg straight and off the ground and vice-versa. As you can see from this exercise and its name it’s pretty similar to riding a bike.
Now let’s get to the practice don’t forget about your neck, while you’re doing bicycle crunches lift it off the ground and keep it still to avoid discomfort and pain. Control your breathing and don’t rush let your body process things a bit slower and get proper training for all the muscles.
Side plank
We are back to the plank, we just can’t get enough of it fun is fun besides Lange is quite underrated which is surprising because it works of vital muscle called quadratus lumborum muscle.
Start this exercise on your side, putting your legs together and ensuring your forearm is strictly below your shoulder. Then raise your body off the ground and make it a straight line from your head to your toes. Hold this position, The best timing for side plank is two or more minutes.
Don’t go way too crazy though four minutes is a maximum amount of time. That will give you a life long title of the queen or the king of a side plank. Now you are one step closer to a perfect and flat belly and being aside plank loyalty and we’re moving along.
Leg lifts
Leg lifts are another great way to give good training your abdominal muscles and is ranked as one of the most effective ABS exercises, so when you are dealing with side fats. this exercise is essential for your daily workout, see it for yourself.
Lie on your back with your legs straight and place your hand under your bum, and here comes the hard part you have to lift your legs as high as you possibly can, and then lower them down again but without touching the floor. It is going to be challenging but we will get through it. Make sure you are keeping your leg straight while you are doing this exercise. Leg lifts will help you have a fat free belly plus they also have a great effect on your posture.
Russian twists
The name of this last but not least exercise is kind of strange but the results that will give you are still exceptional. . Russian turns work the entirety of your stomach muscles and are simply magical at reducing side fat. now let’s understand how exactly it’s done. It’s better to do this exercise in front of your couch or your bed.
The starting position is lying down with your knees bent and your feet under this couch or bed. Then lift your upper body exactly that it would make a 45-degree angle to the ground. While holding your arms straightly together and clapping your hands. Push your torso to the right side until your arms are parallel to the ground. Hold this position for about five seconds and return to the start repeat the same algorithm for your left side. Then back to the right side and so on.