How to make teeth white?
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Do you shy away from smiling because of your stained teeth?
There are multiple reasons for yellow or stained teeth such as poor dental hygiene, regular drinking of Tea, Coffee, or cola. But don’t worry we have got 5 hacks to whiten your teeth at home!
Do It Yourself- Teeth Whitening
5 Simple hacks to naturally whiten your teeth at home
Hack 1- Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

How to make teeth white?
Tea and Coffee can easily stain your teeth and be a reason for your embarrassment. So if you are Tea or Coffee lover this hack is just for you! And Baking soda is known for easily removing surface stains and hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria.
Mix the two to form a paste of your desired consistency. A combination of the two will help you whiten your teeth in no time! And you can have your favorite drink without worrying about stains!
Hack 2- Turmeric

How to make teeth white? 5 Simple hacks to naturally whiten your teeth at home
This magic ingredient is known to stain pretty much everything but doesn’t worry this one will not stain your teeth. Turmeric is proven to be good for oral health, relieves dental pain, and also whitens your teeth! One ingredient with multiple benefits,
It’s that cool?
Just dip a wet brush into the turmeric powder and brush your teeth as you would normally do. Let the powder sit there for 2 minutes and rinse with water. You can use your regular toothpaste post this if you wish to. And there you have it, clean and white teeth in minutes.
Hack 3- Bananas

How to make teeth white? 5 Simple hacks to naturally whiten your teeth at home
The benefits of eating bananas are enormous. But, do not throw the peel away! A banana peel can help you get rid of the yellow stains from your teeth.