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How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

10 Exercises to burn belly fat easily. Here are 10 exercises that will help you get your belly in perfect shape change into your gym clothes grab an exercise mat and exercise ball, And let’s get this started!

Remember to do a short warm-up first to avoid any injuries.

How to burn belly fat easily? 10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

Leg lifts

How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

Leg lifts lie down on your back, lift your legs about 12 inches off the ground. And keep them straight if that’s too hard for you right now, start by lifting one leg at a time do 10 to 15 reps. And add 2 to 5 more each day you workout. In the meantime, you’ll do 10reps. Look at the counter ready go.

This exercise will help you build up your lower back and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Keep your legs straight lift them higher a few more. Take a five-second rest.


How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

Bicycle, continue lying on your back. Bend your legs and raise them so that your calves are parallel to the floor. Stringent (regulations) your right leg and move it slowly bending it toward the floor, like you’re forming a circle. Continue with the left leg moving like you are pedaling a bicycle start with five reps. And add a couple of reps each time you work out.


Start peddling.

Based on a study by the American Council of Exercise. The bicycle maneuver(movement) holds the top spot for the most effective abdominal exercise. take a five-second breath. This is simplest exercise from all exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

Waist crunch

How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

Waist crunch, continue laying with your hands by your sides, palms down, raise your legs at a 90-degree angle to the floor, and keep them straight. Slowly start to pull up your shoulders and upper chest hold for a second and then lay down. If this is too hard for you at the beginning, start with your knees slightly bent.

Start with 10 reps and add five each time you work out. Abdomen crunch or vertical leg crunch helps assemble your center muscles and expands your digestion. It also improves your posture and balance. Take a 5-second rest.

Reverse crunches

How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

Reverse crunches, stay lying on the mat put your hands behind your head. Curve your knees, and keep your feet on the floor. Slowly move your knees toward your shoulders. Pause, when you reach your race line and slowly return your feet to the floor. Start with 10 to 15 reps and add five each time. Ten reps are fine for now.

Reverse crunches strengthen your lower abdominal muscles which are the main target of this exercise. It can treat lordosis a condition, where your lower back curves forward. It’s a spine problem, common in pregnant women and obese (overweight)people. Reverse crunches are most exercise from all the exercises to burn belly fat.

Don’t give up!

You’re getting there, Alright five-second rest.

Bicycle crunch

How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

Bicycle crunch, crunches are awesome right but you are more awesome. Because you’re almost halfway done with this exercise routine. Then, your legs so your calves are parallel to the floor, bend your elbows and put your palms under the nape(back of neck) of your neck. Move your right knee toward your shoulder, lift your head and upper chest, and try to touch your right knee with your left elbow. Go back to the starting position, repeat by switching the arm and leg. Keep a significant distance between your limbs(arm or leg).

If you don’t feel strong enough, one repetition is equal to two elbow knee touches. Start with 10 reps. Bike crunches work your upper center and lower abs, it’s a full stomach work out. If you want an eight-pack this is the perfect workout for you in addition to your abs. It also targets your hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, chest, shoulders, and back muscles. Rest for five seconds.

Exercise ball crunch

How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

You need an exercise ball for this part, also known as a balance or stability ball. Lay on top of the exercise ball, keep your feet on the floor and your knees bent, put your hands behind your head. Be careful slowly lift your head and chest start with three sets of five sit-ups each.

When you feel stronger increase each set to ten sit-ups. According to a study by the Department of kinesiology at Occidental College in Los Angeles crunch is performed with an exercise ball to improve ABS by 38 percent. Certified Fitness ball instructor Susanne Dicen highly recommends this exercise. Because you’ll feel almost no pain in your spine while doing it as opposed to crunches performed lying down.

Is she right how are you feeling?

Do five more and done. alright, have a five-second rest.

Magic tree

How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

(You can do this exercise without dumbells)The magic tree stays in the same basic pose on the exercise ball. Lift your chest while straightening your hands try to reach the ceiling as if you’re reaching for an invisible magic apple with your hands. In a previous exercise you were riding an imaginary bicycle now you are stretching your arms to the skies. three sets of five lift ups each, when you feel stronger increase each set to ten lift ups.

Exercise will challenge your equalization muscle coordination and common sense. It targets your core biceps, triceps chest, and shoulders. once you get the hang of it you can use dumbbells pretty exciting, right. Reach as far as you can. take a five-second REST.

Warrior stance

How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

Warrior stance is easy to exercise from all exercises to burn belly fat. It’s time to stand up place your feet a little wider than your shoulders, face your left foot to the side and your right forward bend your right knee, put your half-bent right elbow on your right knee, lift your left hand and stretch it over your ear. Gently bend your body to the right staying in the same position. switch hands touch your left leg with your left arm and raise your right-hand bend to the left move slowly don’t hold your breath. Remember to keep your back straight.

Perform five reps change sides and’s time to stretch your muscles after those back bending exercises warrior stance is a yoga pose and it strengthens your legs chest and arms. It also improves the body and mind connection still bend your back. Have a five-second rest.

Awkward airplane

How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

You need your exercise mat again for this one. Get down on your hands and knees slowly lift parallel to the floor, while reaching your right hand forward move your leg and hand to the side. Hold that pose for three seconds. Now put them back on the floor and change arm and leg. Remember to keep your back straight. Start with five reps, adding another five when you feel stronger. If your turn to do it.

Do you feel your muscles burning?

The awkward airplane is a yoga exercise that improves your legs, arms, shoulders, and hips. It also corrects posture imbalance. Take five seconds rest.

Sea turtle

How To Burn Belly Fat Easily? |10 Effective Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

Sea turtle lay on your belly on the mat. Straighten your hands in front of your head, raise your hands head, upper chest, and legs. Slowly move your hands so they meet behind your back. Return your hands to the front lay down again. Repeat five to seven times,

 Can you do it seven times?

The ocean turtle is an exercise utilized in training camps. it targets your posterior deltoids, glutes lower and middle abs, and rhomboids. But don’t imagine yourself as a turtle, imagine you’re Superman or Wonder Woman while doing this exercise.  

Learn more about 5 Super Easy & Effective Exercises To Burn Side fat & Best 3 Tips To Reduce Side Fat For Good!

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