Monsoon Skin Care Tips
Table of Contents

As the humidity increases, undesired skin oiliness, frazzled hair, and excessive perspiration are just some of the things that we need to deal with on a daily basis.
To keep your skin from greasing out and maintain a flawless complexion, we have put together some essential tips that you should follow on a daily basis.
Causes of oily skin
Now anyone with acne prone or oily skin knows that the humidity is not their best friend.
More humidity means more water in the air and when our skin comes in contact with the extra moisture, it feels the need to overcompensate on the oil as well when it’s not required.
This leads to excess sebum production and oily skin. We tend to break out more in humid weather conditions and so extra care is needed to prevent acne and skin inflammation before it appears. Here the best skincare tips.
Prevent Breakouts
#1 Rinse with cool water

Keep rinsing your face with cool wateronce in a while.
Keep wet wipes handy when outdoors.
#2 Avoid Touching Your Face

Avoid touching your face constantly. This prevents any dirt from getting accumulated on your face thereby reducing acne.
#3 Hydrate With A Facial Mist

Keep hydrating your facewith a facial mist of your choice.
#4 Rose Water+Aloe Vera Gel

You can make one by mixing some rose waterand some aloe vera gel.Keep it refrigerated for best results.
[ Some of the best rose-water you can try. ]
#5 Blotting Sheets To Absorb All Excess Oils

Use blotting sheets to absorb all excess sebum that your skin may produce.
[ You can try this Sheet masks ]
Everyday Skincare Tips

So here are a few tips ,that you should follow to keep your face from looking oily during this time of the year.

If you feel like your oil production is about to go into over drive,use cleansers with glycolic acidor lactic acid twice a day.These ingredients lift all the dirtand all that excess sebum from your face,leaving your skin squeaky clean.
[ You can try this cleansers ]

Follow it up with a quick steam session to break down all the leftover dirt from your skin and soften it. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to soothe your skin.